Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4th place in 'Faith And Common Good' EPSON Photo Contest judge by Steve McCurry

''To celebrate leading documentary photographer Steve McCurry’s first exhibition in Malaysia, Epson Malaysia and Ruumz are proud to present a photography competition dedicated to all aspiring photographers in Malaysia and designed to inspire all fellow Malaysians.”

Now...the competition is over and the complete result from Steve McCurry's choice can see here..
Mine in the 4th place... :( and congrats to all winners...!!

Below is some photos during prize giving ceremony at Islamic Art Museum Malaysia where the Steve exhibition was held until 08 April 2010
 Batik Factory - Namida

Steve McCurry's choice (1st place from ur right)

Big boss Epson Malaysia

me at Steve McCurry's exhibition

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 2010- Front Page And Achivement

March 17,2010 - Front page in Paragon Gallery flickr group as image of the day in
Artistic Expression category

Featured front page in flickr group Beyond Our Time
one of 10 photos of the day during week 10 to need be select for the best picture of the week

March 17 - 3rd winner in flickr group Magik Troll: Dark Style
challenge 13 -''Dream With Me''
Featured in front page group for a week

In Redbubble frontpage -Featured Art & Photography Group

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Matte Painting And Digital Painting ...Again..!

My latest digital painting and matte painting in March 2010....
I enjoy in my art....I enjoy this magic..
I see my art is becoming real, with each brush stroke!

It is very special feeling…

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Matte Painting - 'Gate Of Fear'

A matte painting is a painted representation of a landscape, set, or distant location that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build or visit. Historically, matte painters and film technicians have used various techniques to combine a matte-painted image with live-action footage. At its best, depending on the skill levels of the artists and technicians, the effect is "seamless" and creates environments that would otherwise be impossible to film. - wiki

please click the image for bigger size
Feb 22, 2010 - This photo has been selected by the "PARAGON Gallery ADMIN Staff as the "ARTISTIC EXPRESSION" image of the day and featured in the front page of this group

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Feb 18, 2010 - This photo has been selected by the "PARAGON Gallery ADMIN Staff as the "ARTISTIC EXPRESSION" image of the day and featured in the front page of this group

.....another digital painting with my al-cheapo wacom tablet..